Benefits for Daycares
We know it is no easy task keeping children happy 12 hours a day, five days a week.
We admire how hard daycare directors and staff work to care for and educate children. That's why part of our company's mission is to make life a little easier on the daycare staff we work with. When we bring our gymnastics program into a daycare, we want to bring a positive learning experience into the school - to supplement the curriculum you're already providing. But while we're teaching the kids and letting them have some fun, we're also letting them burn off some energy and giving the staff a little break. We look at our program as win-win-win-win! It's fun for kids, easy and affordable for parents, minimal work and free for daycares and of course, we love what we do! If we're not already working with your daycare, we'd love to partner with you! Please contact us today to sign up. Your kids and parents (and your staff) will thank you!
| Where We're Tumbling
Our Current List of Participating
Daycares and Schools Please Note: We try to update this list as often as possible, but sometimes we may be a week or two behind. Creative Children
Learning Center - Red Bud Immanuel Lutheran Church - Waterloo Preschool |
Some Examples of Our Activities
Please note that similar setups or smaller variations can be done in classrooms of any size.